Called To Serve

Called To Serve

Monday, April 18, 2016

I can hear again! :)

> Hello Family!
> It has been a wonderful week here in the UK! ENgland is beautiful. I always mean to take pictures of it all and then i forget... i'll try and be better! But it is wonderful! England in the spring is great! Can't wait to show it to you when we all come back to visit! :) And its even better becuase the people here are affected by the weather SO much! So when the sunshine is out they are SO much happier.. and then they will actually talk to us! :) Its the best! :)
> This week has been BUSY! Which is so great! We have been working hard and seeing so much success! All thanks to our loving and so merciful Heavenly Father! :) I have really seen and gained a testimony that as we do our part and try that things IN THE END work out. Rarely do our prayers get answered right away - we have to continue having faith and being obedient and trying and then we see the blessings! This week we saw so many as so many friends we talked to were interested and we had incredible conversations! We had 22 lessons this week! Probably doesnt sound like too much... but typically we have been getting around 12 or 13. So it was INCREDIBLE! We have been very blessed!
> Biggest news ever though is KEVIN! Remember the miracle man who we met on the street and then he came to conference the next day and then for the sunday session as well? Well YES! After conference he had gone away for an assignement with the military and then couldn't meet with us and didn't end up going to church - it was a sad day and we were a little worried about it. BUT we got back in contact with him and had the BEST lesson with him on Friday, he came to church on Sunday, and now has a baptisimal date for the 7th of MAY! Isn't that INCREDIBLE!? Oh im so excited! The day before I get to talk to you all! :) what a wonderful weekend! :) So we are just so excited. He is GREAT! Please include him in your prayers! We also are teaching our friend stephen who has a date for the 14th of May and has committed to quit smoking as of TODAY! He has tried so many times in the past but has never made it all the way through. so extra prayers for him would really be appreciated as well! He is super great and has the STRONGEST desire to stop! And i know he can with help from the Saviour!
> Another great thing about this week is that I can hear again!!! YAY! On monday after I emailed, they ended up getting really clogged. Almost to the point where they both cant hear anything... and as a missionary when I am going out and talking and then hoping to listen to the people around me it was a big problem. haha poor sister england had to deal with me just staring at her or people we were talking to blankly becuase I just couldn't hear them! It was a good thing that we could just laugh about it! :) But on thursday we went to the doctor and I can Hear again! OH it is such a blessing! So grateful to be serving in a place that i can get doctors appointments so easily!!
> Something that really stood out to me this week was KINDNESS! On saturday we had a long day of finding... saturdays are always hard for me becuase by the end of the week I feel like im just exhausted and saturdays are the days that you really need the most energy to go out and find families that are home! We had a teach with the gelders as well which i was so excited about so all day I was looking forward to that to then get a text from holly cancelling... it was the saddest. So we went up to their area and prayed about a road to go work down. We were knocking for a little bit, finding a few people interested but no big success, when we got to Kathy's door! We talked to her for a minute and she was just SO KIND! She had grown up a quaker but had decided that wasn't right and was open minded to all religions. After talking for a minute she let us in to talk to her. She had the CUTEST little cottage (mom you would have LOVED it!) And she pulled chairs into her kitchen and just let us share the restoration. She got us a drink, let us use the bathroom, offered snacks, even offered to drive us home when she realized how far we would be walking home. As we left she opened up how her life was falling apart a little bit - her husband and her were going through a divorce and because of that he was taking the house and she was looking for a place to live, trying to stay close to her daughters, but the housing was too expensive in the area. She talked about how her marriage had struggled for a while and how she was living between houses becuase she and her husband couldn't live together anymore - it was just too much stress - and just all these different things that were going on for her. She was busy when we had come over and had hoped to go to her daughters that evening, but instead let us come in out of the cold to sit in her cute house and listen to us. It just really hit me that night of her genuine kindness. She wasn't interested in learning more, and im not sure she was really interested in the first place, but she was kind enough to give us a chance and then just be so wonderful. I think i thanked her 5 times as we left - i just dont think she realized how much it meant to us - 2 20 year old girls far from families and friends, spending the day talking to people who didn't want us to talk to them:), to have someone who was just so kind. I was jsut so grateful for her! And her example helped me to see how I want to be like that as well! No matter what is going on in my life, or what my schedule is, or how much I care or not - to just be kind! To give people time and attention and go above and beyond what I need to. It was just wonderful and something that I am going to be better at! SO with all of you too! Look for ways to help and serve people around you - just to be kind! It doesn't have to be anything big, to kathy it wasn't anything big, but it made the night for me! I know that by being kind we become more like the saviour and with that can bring people closer to him! :)
> Im glad that you got the bowling picture! It was the funnest. Joy and Martyn are the best! They are going to florida in a couple weeks for 2 weeks and then joy is going to austrailia for another 2. Im excited for them but also so sad they are leaving! They are so wonderful!!!
> And im so sad about kris' dad! Oh my goodness. I just can't even imagine. Ill definitely be keeping allof them in my prayers. Oh its so hard. But so grateful for our saviour who made it so that we will all be together after this as well! So grateful for him and to know of the plan of salvation.
> AND SCOTTY IS ENGAGED!!!! AHH!! im so excited!! Please send pictures! :)
> But i love you all SO MUCH!! hope you have the very best week and remember how much I love you and miss you! But I GET TO TALK TO YOU IN 3 WEEKS!!!!!!!!! Im so excited!!
> Love you!!!
> Sister GWilliam

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