Called To Serve

Called To Serve

Monday, January 18, 2016


> Hey my most amazing family!!
> I hope you have had the MOST WONDERFUL WEEK! Sorry i am on a little late today, we had some members take us out for a walk in the country side and then have lunch which was super fun and I have loads of pictures to send over for you all to see! BUT oh my goodness! This week has been crazy! So much to update you on - the whole only 2 hours to update you on everything each week never gets any easier.
> BUT to start off! THis week was the full of meetings week again with MLC and DLC. It was SO great though. OH i just love MLC. I love being there with PResident and Sister Gubler and then all the other missionaries from all over the mission. THe spirit is just so strong and it is so fun to be so involved with everything and a big part of the decision process. This MLC was crazy though with it being the first of the year becuase there was new training sent to all of the mission presidents that were to be put into effect that made things a little different for us... first off - the first presidency has looked over all the different numbers and situations and everything and have pretty much told us all that we are not doing enough. THe lord is hastening his work but we need to catch up with him - holy smokes. SO to help that they have told mission presidents that missionaries should stay in areas and with companions for a longer amount of time. None of this just stay in and area with a companion for 2 or maybe 3 transfers and then leave - they have counseled that missionaries should stay together for now 6 to 8 months instead. And president is ALL IN on that! There is a sister here who has been in her 1st area for A YEAR NOW! HER FIRST AREA! So I had just decided that I was going to serve in aldershot for the rest of my mission.... UNTIL (and this is where it gets a little crazy) the second item that the presidency saw to help the work progress and keep up to speed was that exchanges were going to change. In the white handbook it talks about having a leaders area be a "model area" for other missionaries to come to so that they can see how the work should be done - they said it should be a laboratory that missionaries can come to, see how the work and how missionaries should work, and then they can go back and apply that into their areas. So from now on Leaders will not do splits for exchanges but instead all of the companionships come to our area for 24 and we each work with one of them for that time but we are all in aldershot. So that was a big change! Instead of us going and traveling around to see the sisters and work in their areas they will always travel and come to ours. Making it so we have more time working - less time traveling and that they will see the model area. THEN president said thought that it was upon us as leaders in our zones though to decided if our area was one that could be a model area - if the ward and living situation and area was one that was a place that could be that laboratory for other missionaries and that we should get together as STLs and ZLs and decided if we needed to MOVE to a place that would be that model area. TALK ABOUT PRESSURE! So its been a crazy week of trying to figure everything out and talking a lot with the Zone Leaders who then are talking to president and it is just all crazy.
> So we had our first exchange with both of the guildford sisters coming to us and it was so great! i definitely see why this hastens the work. It was so effective and both of them said how much it helped them to not just see the work side of things but how sister stephenson and I worked together and how we did planning and comp studdies and all of that good stufff so that part was great BUT then there is the grannie annie side of it that isn't - the house is just too small for all 4 sisters to be smashed into one room and the study table and room isn't big enough and just the fact that we live in a place with grannie annie where the TV is on and she is constantly needing help with different things and all of that - bless her 82 year old heart. Its just not what is best for the sisters. SO after lots of talk with the ZLs we will definitely be moving - either to the ZL area - stains - to justhave it be this massive model area - or we will have to move to another flat in aldershot. CRAZY RIGHT!? Oh its been crazy. Part of me is sad - its been fun to be able to live with grannie annie as crazy as she can be at times but it just doesn't work with how exchanges are working lately. So it ultimately comes down to president and his decision - and things wont be put into place I am sure until transfers which aren't for another month but thats whats going on right now. I will keep you updated!!
> So its been a busy week full of that craziness and then lots of long meetings - in between we have done a lot of finding! We have our amazing investigators with ROb and then Jake and Luke (we had to drop Jose - it was sad. But he just isn't ready right now and is chooseing to listen to his friends who tell him to go to the church of england instead OF THE TRUE CHURCH. silly jose.) but they are doing so well. Rob is SO EXCITED for his baptism and its just truly so amazing to see the change in him. He is just so happy and so excited and the ward is so excited for him as well! I just can't wait! And jake and luke are still the happiest and cutest so its wonderful - besdies that we are teaching a couple of potentials but we just really need to find. So we have been spending LOADS of time talking onthe street and knocking and guess what. ITS FLIPPIN FREEZING OUTSIDE. Oh my heavens. Everyone told me how cold it gets but I just didn't understand until I have been out in it for hours and its just the worst. I have started wearing my leggins under my super thick tights and then multiple pairs of socks and then layers of shirts and any big jacket and then my coat and gloves and scarves and hats and then the handwarmers you sent for christmas - the GREATEST!! Thank you!! haha I honestly look like a joke walking around. Im huge with all of the layers on and I feel like people think that we are crazy who see us and think "oh its not THAT cold" and I just want to say back to them that yeah it isn't that cold until you have to spend 5 hours CONTACTING in it! BUT it is great! Tomorrow is supposed to be really cold and then grannie told us it should warm up. Fingers crossed. and YES it did snow. THat shows you how cold it is. It typically doesn't snow. but it did. thank heavens it was on a sunday so we were at church for a lot of it! :) Its so funny too because the world stops and everyone freaks out when there is an inch on the road - people can't drive or walk or do anything and I just want to laugh at them becuase of what we get in Utah. It cracks me up.
> I got the patriarchical blessings in the mail mom! THANK YOU they are so fun! AND I got the CUTEST BANNER!!!!!! OH we love it! THank you so much!! You all are the best. It is so fun to get things in the mail - helps me feel so close to you! :) Did you ever get the letter I sent a couple weeks ago? Hopefully! :)
> And guess what? Steve got a fitbit today! She loved mine so much that she decided she would just get one herself. So you better believe that we will be having competitions everyday seeing how can get the most. Even though we are together all day long I'll have to jog in place or run up and down the stairs in the house when she is in the bathroom or something to get ahead! :) Speaking of that!We went on that walk today so I got to wear not proselyting shoes and guess what!? MY JEANS STILL FIT!! YAYYY!!!! Praises!! I was so happy.
> But yeah, things here in england are just LOVELY and Brilliant! :) I really am just really happy. Ive thought about it a lot durring the past little bit and I just really am happy - which is so strange. I don't understnad why a lot of the time but I have really just tried to put all of my fears and concerns and troubles with the lord and as I have life is just great! He is taking care of it all and all i have to do is my best and that has brought so much peace! I am just so grateful to be out here. KY! Really be excited. There will be REALLY hard days. Really long days. and tough ones where you have NO IDEA WHY IN THE WORLD YOU DECIDED TO COME haha its true but once you just allow yourself to be apart of it there is nothing that will make you happier. Just surrender to all of it - give in and be obedient, work hard, and as you do you will be happy. Its the greatest. I still miss you all like nothing else but its okay because I will see you soon! Ill keep praying to send the blessings your way until I get home!!
> I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! SOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH. And miss you. And pray for you ALL DAY LONG! But am happy here! :) I hope you have the most wonderful week and never forget how much I love you! Stay safe and be happy and keep updating me on everything!
> Sister Gwilliam

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